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Work Smarter, Not Harder

With so many folks excited for us to get up and running, the anticipation is almost unbearable! For all you beautiful, patient shake lovers, we do have some exciting news. Firstly, our floor is finally sealed up, and looking cute and kitschy with some brand new chocolatey tiles!

Also cute: our paint job now includes 100% more purple, as our trailer evolves further into its final form. In addition, we have patched up all the leaks in our ceiling, which is incredibly satisfying. As much as the last couple months of thunderstorms have tried to thwart our progress, we have prevailed.

That being said, there are still some renovations underway, and in the interest of time, we are switching up the game here in our shake space. After some consideration, we have decided to recruit a contractor to help us get our trailer space in tip top shape as soon as possible!

Our friend Nic and our new rockstar builder, Ivan, are currently assisting us with the renovation of our walls and ceiling, so that we can start moving forward with the layout and installation of our new appliances. Pockets, the dog, keeps us all in good spirits too.

Thanks to everyone for your continued love and support, we can't say enough how grateful we are to have such a wonderful community backing us every step of the way. Building a business from scratch is so far the most difficult and rewarding experience that we have ever undertaken. We have learned so much through our unwavering dedication to craft milkshakes, and can't wait to share the fruits of our labor with you all this summer!


Rachel + Moni

☆ 2324 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78702 ☆

Website Update: February 2025

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