Holy Fridge, Freezer, & Fryer, Batman!

Well, it's been another rainy week for us in Austin, and it's looking like more of the same for a good bit. Luckily, that hasn't stopped us from making leaps and bounds forward with our kitchen development. Our tiny trailer's BIGGEST equipment arrived last week - a brand new refrigerator, freezer, and deep fryer!

With these, we will be able to prep and store our foodstuffs without encroaching on our housemates' snack space any longer! We also made some very tasty fries, paired with Moni's delicious beet ketchup. As far as what we're going to make into fries next... the possibilities are endless! But it will probably be sweet potatoes. :)

Now, we really just need to get our trailer shaped up so that we can move all the equipment in, and we'll be ready to go! This week, we are going to be sealing up the floor, finishing some of the interior areas, and *hoping* to continue painting if the weather allows, but we may have to be patient with the exterior work. It's one heck of an El Niño this year, I tell you what!

Also, our Kickstarter rewards are going out in force! A majority of our prepping, packing, and shipping is officially complete, but don't fret if you haven't yet received your reward(s)! There are still plenty of goodies on the way, but feel free to contact us at any time, for any reason, at milkywayshakesatx@gmail.com.